Wednesday, 7 December 2016


The top 5 HR trends have been derived from my assessment of how 2016 was with regards to employer-employee relations and the environmental (social, political, technological and economic) impacts on the practice. The economic environment of Malawi in 2017 looks dark as per economic forecasts which will see lower growth rate, continued high inflation, hunger, water and power crisis as well as lower productive capacity of the country which ultimately affects HR practice. The job market will continue to shrink causing both job seekers and employees to have less leverage, which will cause salaries to stagnate and employers to invest less in staffing and employee benefits. The following are some trends which will affect the HR space in 2017 which HR practitioners should be aware of so that they can devise appropriate strategies that will see smooth implementation of their activities:
     1. High Tension Relations Between Employees and Employers
The economic slowdown of the country will continue in 2017 as there are no visible immediate solutions to the problems that Malawi is going through. Productive capacity of Malawi will continue to be hampered by the low energy levels and water problems. Due to the shrinking economy, high inflation and continued effects of hunger, high tension relations will continue to exist between employers and employees characterized by demand for more wages/salary to cushion employees from the economic hardships. More strikes and sit-ins demanding better pay will increase especially in the civil service and government agencies. HR professionals will be faced with the challenge of balancing between employer and employee interests. This will require the HR professionals to be abreast with negotiations skills in order to ensure harmonious relations in the workplace and reduce disruptive actions that become as a result of out-of-hand industrial actions.

   2. Shrinking Job Market

The job market in Malawi will continue to be flooded with trained graduates and skilled pool of talent with less practical experience. However, the hiring appetite of employers will continue to be low due to the economic environment in Malawi. The demand for hiring from within (internal recruitment), job enlargement and job enrichment as well capacity building of employees will be focused more as the craving for external recruitment will drastically reduce in the year. This means that the HR market will remain static and HR professionals will have to devise strategies that will leverage this trend and remain proactive in the management of organization’s key resource, human resources.
   3. Increasing Use of Technology and Social Media In The Workplace   

The ever-changing technological environment means more technology will continue to be the bedrock of business success for Malawian organizations in 2017. Those that have the technology will continue to make improvements on it and those that do not have, will have to play catch up to ensure that they are not left behind. Software, computer analytics and digital HR will be a trend that HR professionals in organizations will have to embrace for spotting, attracting and retaining relevant human resources in the workplace. Social media will continue to be part of the organizational culture that will either foster or impede employee performance. The use of WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and other social networks will be used more to disseminate information either as grapevine or official company information. 2017 will all be about apps and will probably offer a more integrated user experience. It will be more of smart phones influencing most operations in the workplace. This will require HR solutions that are assessable via smart phones e.g. training. HR professionals will have to be aware of these platforms so that they can leverage on the information therein for betterment of information dissemination and raising positive company profile. Capacity building on digital HR and social media awareness will have to be emphasized among HR professionals to be abreast with critical trends which have the potential of affecting employee performance. 

        4. From Intuitive HR To Fact/Evidence Based HR

Since the institutionalization of HR as profession in Malawi, HR practitioners have tried hard to justify the relevance of the profession in assisting the organization to achieve its goals. HR practitioners in Malawi have made reference to literature of the strategic business partner model where HR plays an integral role in the fulfillment of the business goals. In 2017, the HR space will be pressured to provide evidence/facts on success factors it brings to the organization in terms of improved employee performance, improved productivity, team spirit and harmonious business environment. There will be a high demand for HR practitioners to use HR analytics, Balanced Score Cards etc. to justify the impact of the function in the organization. There will be a high demand for HR to provide more data in justifying the HR budget/costs for the function to remain relevant and seen to bring positive impact on overall organizational performance. The HR space will have to strike a balance between the softer HR which focuses on emotional intelligence, psychological contract, teams building, capacity building, rewarding, employee engagement and motivation to scientific-fact based HR where there is measurement of HR output.  

         5. Interesting Workplaces

Aside financial and development needs that employees require from their work, there are social needs that employees aim to fulfill when they go to work. Employees are not dead logs or dead camels that should always be told what to do or follow rigid tedious regulations. 2017 will present the HR practitioner in Malawi with the challenge of providing interesting work that fulfills both organizational and personal goals. The memo based communication will be challenged with the desire for more fluid communication via email and other internet based platforms. The HR professional will be required to grasp the fact that employees want to be paid for doing their work while having fun and enjoying what they do. As indicated somewhere else, ‘making fun’ is serious business. Social activities, telling jokes, WhatsApp groups and social football will characterize the business environment which HR should prepare in advance and embrace them for the betterment and enhancement of performance in the organization.